Sunday, July 24, 2011

Megan ~ Class of 2012 {Columbiaville, MI Photography}

Megan is seriously one of the sweetest, gentlest people you'll ever meet. I L-O-V-E-D going to her family's property to snag some portraits of her as she's prepping to start her senior year of high school. They just purchased a new home on several acres, so Megan and I had a fabulous time exploring it all. ...The most PERFECT still, naturesque, picturesque and quiet setting. Megan and her family are still working on making the house a home...and in my opinion, their efforts are paying off!

Megan is a pro at training dogs and loves playing flyball with her doggie, Autumn (as pictured below). Autumn very willingly showed off some of her tricks for the camera. :) In addition, Megan is very musical and enjoys the outdoors and reading a good book (and it's even better if the two go hand in hand...they have many 'reading spots' situated on their property).

But most importantly, as Megan will tell you, is her relationship with Jesus. As she says, it's everything to her. And that, my friends, is what it's all about. :) After graduation Megan would love to pursue a career as a pastor, but is also very interested in the photography field (she's currently saving up for her first DSLR...yay!). Enjoy some of these happy-fuzzy-feeling-inducing portraits from our time together!