Friday, July 22, 2011

Jaiden & Jaxson - 14 months {Frankenmuth, MI Photography}

I, of course, am always thrilled to have this set of twins in front of my camera..I've been photographing them since birth (which, by the way, was SIXTEEN MONTHS ago already! Time FLIES!!) Their mama, Jessica, even joined them in the spotlight this time, as she has not had any portraits with her kiddos as of yet.

I could go on and on about how amazing Jessica is. Jessica is raising these kiddos on her own (of course, with the help of an awesome 'support staff'), has an admirable career AND is going to school. In addition to that, she is on of the gentlest, sweetest people I know. She is doing a MAGNIFICENT job....I really do think she's super-mom. She needs a cape STAT. :)

We were blessed with a wonderfully warm evening (after having to reschedule several times!) in the ever fabulous Frankenmth, MI for Jaiden & Jaxson's shoot. I just cannot believe these kiddos are walking. It seems like just yesterday they were brand new babes. They melt my heart, and I'm sure they'll melt yours, too!