Wednesday, July 27, 2011

We (er...They) are Family... {Frankenmuth, MI Photography}

I just love this family. For a year now I've photographed different milestones in their lives....engagement, wedding, newborn, senior and now a family session. One thing I've learned is that these guys are a TON of fun. Oh, and that they completely love each of the 'closest' families I've ever photographed. They are always more than a joy to have in front of my cameras...crazy fun...and they always manage to make me laugh and enjoy my job even more than I should. :)

This particular session was due to Taylor's return from Iraq. He JUST returned after serving one whole year for our country. Taylor, welcome home, and THANK YOU!!

...Poor lil Camden fell fast asleep...we tuckered him right out!

If there's one thing I've learned about Tabatha, it's that she is really a monkey. She looks like a beautiful girl, but she's really a monkey. A spider monkey, to be exact.
A TOTALLY candid moment! And I said to this is what one year of marriage does to you guys? A year ago you couldn't get your hands off each other! ;)

...But they made up for it!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Remebering {A Personal Post}

Tonight I feel like sharing a piece of my heart with you all.

Every day I think about the three children we have in heaven. The three we lost in an eight month period of time. The three that God chose to give and then take away. Exactly a year ago we lost our second....each loss was hard to take, but the second carried with it the heaviest blow. With the second I was the furthest along of all three. I thought that God most certainly wouldn't allow us to lose another, and although I was plagued with nightmares of losing the kiddo growing in my belly I was confident that all would be okay.

A year ago we experienced our nightmare-come-true...again. Not only that, I was incredibly ill from drugs taken to assist the miscarriage. I was even more ill of a broken heart. And then a health scare was the 'cherry on top'. Complete defeat, so it seemed. How could the God of the universe allow this to happen?

I just don't know. I don't know why bad things happen. I don't know.

But this I do know....through my time of weariness...through one of our dark times...through not understanding and broken hearted anger and hurt I have come to know God deeper than I ever have in the past. Through tragedy I have learned the fullness of God's grace, love and healing. I have learned that He really does know what He is doing and just how not in control I am. I have learned how to give complete control over to Him. In my valley God has not only seen me through, but He's also healed my body and heart...and I've found myself walking in a deeper faith than I had just a year ago.

I always think of what could be. I think about the two I would have in my arms right now, and the one that I would still be expecting. I wonder who they are, what their names would be, what their personalities would be like. I'll meet them someday. They're currently in GREAT hands...the best hands. But I miss them. Every day I miss them.

So why do I write this on my blog...primarily used for my business? Because right now I know of several of you who are facing hard situations. Defeating situations that threaten to get the best of you. Please be reminded through my story that the Lord is mighty enough to see you through it. If He brought you to it He will see you through it, as I've heard it said. He is the One who will never leave you and never forsake you. Those are true words, not just empty lip service. I'm proof.

A year ago was one of the most character-shaping seasons of my life. One of the hardest, yet one of the most faith and trust building times I've encountered in my 29 years of life. And if the only reason I had to walk through this was to know my God better, than that is reason enough.

Remembering baby #1

Meet baby #2...our little peanut very early in the pregnancy. Little heartbeat was fluttering.

I do not have U/S pics from the third, as the third loss was very sudden this past January.

...and our miracle. Seriously a beautiful gift from God.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Well Hello There, Isabella! {Birch Run, MI Photography}

Gah! Do new bebes even come any cuter than Isabella? I think not. From her dark, soft hair, fuzzy soft skin, and dark brown eyes to her happy coos/not so happy quivering lips she is the epitome of adorable. There's really not much more to say....the photographs will convince you of my words! :)

Welcome to the world, wee one!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Megan ~ Class of 2012 {Columbiaville, MI Photography}

Megan is seriously one of the sweetest, gentlest people you'll ever meet. I L-O-V-E-D going to her family's property to snag some portraits of her as she's prepping to start her senior year of high school. They just purchased a new home on several acres, so Megan and I had a fabulous time exploring it all. ...The most PERFECT still, naturesque, picturesque and quiet setting. Megan and her family are still working on making the house a home...and in my opinion, their efforts are paying off!

Megan is a pro at training dogs and loves playing flyball with her doggie, Autumn (as pictured below). Autumn very willingly showed off some of her tricks for the camera. :) In addition, Megan is very musical and enjoys the outdoors and reading a good book (and it's even better if the two go hand in hand...they have many 'reading spots' situated on their property).

But most importantly, as Megan will tell you, is her relationship with Jesus. As she says, it's everything to her. And that, my friends, is what it's all about. :) After graduation Megan would love to pursue a career as a pastor, but is also very interested in the photography field (she's currently saving up for her first DSLR...yay!). Enjoy some of these happy-fuzzy-feeling-inducing portraits from our time together!