Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Helen, Luanne & Marci {Waukesha, WI Photography}

So what do you do for fun...do you have hobbies that help you unwind after a loooong day at work? Helen (aka my mom!), Luanne and Marci have that down pat. For them, there's not much better than getting into their dancing shoes, kicking back, letting loose and dancing to some loud, thumping music ever week together. Seriously, these wonderful ladies are hard-core line dancers.

"Line dancing?" you ask. "You mean like Billy Ray Cyrus' Achy Breaky Heart - inspired line dancing?" Well, technically yes, but it has become so much more. I visited one of their weekly get togethers a few years back and I was impressed. These people know how to dance (and there are a lot of them!), and they have so much fun doing it. And it's not necessarily to country music anymore.

Enter these three. Helen (it's weird calling her that...can I just call her my mom? Okay? Okay.), Luanne and Marci are not only line dancers, but they are choreographers who are becoming a bit well known for creating dances to "not your run-of-the-mill" songs. They now teach their choreography at workshops across the state of WI and are even developing their own website.

Enter me. These guys wanted a mini-shoot to create some traditional portraits of the three of them for their new website. I had a great time laughing with these guys as we shot in downtown Waukesha. Their friendship is so fun and refreshing....

So if you're looking for a hobby that you can have fun with and meet people at, give line dancing a try! These ladies aren't sorry they did!

My mom....isn't she cute?

Monday, May 30, 2011

Lindsey ~ Class of 2012 {Sheboygan, WI Photography}

Lindsey, the first Class of 2012 senior to grace my camera lenses with her presence. :) You know those naturally gorgeous people...the ones who effortlessly are amazingly beautiful, incredibly comfortable in their own skin....you know...the ones who everyone else is jealous of? Yeah, that's totally Lindsey. This girl is not only outwardly gorgeous, but she is SO laid back, grounded, level headed and intelligent. She was truly a joy to photograph, and I loved how comfortable she was in front of the camera. Lindsey has one more year left in high school, and then she will be off to pursue a possible career in design (she's still 'career shopping'!)

I travelled to downtown Sheboygan for Lindsey's shoot and fell in love with the town. Right on Lake Michigan, it is so cute and quaint, yet has a 'big city' feel to it at the same time. And although we battled fierce winds and 46 degree temps during her shoot, we had a blast. I just LOVE how her portraits turned out....I have a plethora a favorites!

Congratulations, Lindsey....I look forward to keeping up with what God has for your future!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Jennifer ~ Class of 2011 {Cedarburg, WI photography}

Jennifer is the last member of the Class of 2011 to be in front of my camera. Why so late for her senior portraits? Well, Jennifer had the luxury of choosing when she wanted them done, as she is home schooled. She very much liked the idea of capturing herself right as graduation was happening as opposed to the summer prior....smart girl, she is!

I've known Jennifer since she was a baby, and I cannot believe she is GRADUATING this year! Lemme tell you, this lady is someone to admire. Currently she is in Albania (then later traveling to China and Spain) for several weeks doing missions and teaching work along side her dad. She is a VERY talented cook, is incredibly self-less and loving and a wonderfully gifted musician. When she arrives back home from her travels this summer she will be entering schooling to become an EMT.

Very rarely do you come across a young lady with such a gentle spirit. I think you'll see that in the following photographs even just through her smile. She makes me so proud, and I know God has great things in store for this young lady! Congrats, Jennifer!