Thursday, April 26, 2012

The D 'Kids' {Columbiaville, MI Photography}

We've known Hannah, Elizabeth, James & their parents for years now, but in the past year we've REALLY gotten to know this amazing clan. The time we get to spend with these amazing kids each week has become such a joy to Kirk, Addie and I. There's always TONS of laughter and craziness. I just adore it.

So what do three siblings do to surprise their dad on his birthday? Photos!! Since they haven't had portraits taken as siblings for years now, we figured it was about time. It was super fun planning this top secret photo shoot operation...change in schedules, sickness to work around and questionable weather, but we prevailed and the surprise was successful!

They're seriously so fun. I love these kids like family.

And my favorite. Only because this is how they will always be etched into my memory. Sounds cheesy? Maybe. :)