Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Goodbye, Offseason {A Personal Post}

As much as I love my work & photographing lovely clients, I LOVE the offseason. Well, really, it's better off called a slow season. December-March usually brings with it a slower work schedule & I always welcome it with open arms.

The slow season reminds me that life is more than work, editing & staying up until 1 am every evening droopy eyed staring at a computer screen. It reminds me that being a photographer can be an all consuming profession. It reminds me that everyone, even me, needs to slow down, relax & enjoy what our day to day has to offer us. And I also really believe that times of rest rejuvenate passions & ignite creativity.

For this past offseason I had quite a few goals. All of which I met. And yes, I am super proud...thanks for asking. :) I bettered my cooking abilities...made new things, branched out, spent more time in the kitchen creating yummy things. I learned how to sew. I made curtains, an apron, three dresses, placemats & fixed clothing. I organized the house (since then it has kind of become a bit unorganized again, I regretfully admit. But for a brief moment in history everything had its place!). I filled my schedule with time spent with our church family. I did a few of those crazy Pinterest DIY projects. I broke out the violins, fixed the old ones & made them sing again. I ENJOYED.

I realize that it appears I spent the past few months learning how to be domestic. Yes, I am no natural domestic goddess. So I guess that's what I did. But moreover, I set goals, met them, and learned new things. I love learning new things. I love getting off my duff and doing stuff.

So, slow season, you are gone now. I'll see you in December. (and ps, I love you...xoxoxo). And now onto more photographic adventures. This year will be all about travel. New things, new clients, new experiences, new adventures. Stay tuned!

A few instagrams from these past few months. Hey, great idea, you should follow me on instagram! selahphotography. Hit me up!