Thursday, September 15, 2011

World, Meet Emmy {Millington, MI Photography}

Little Miss Emersen Grace was born just a few short weeks ago. A few days after getting back from the hospital I paid a visit to Emmy's home for a little 'mini' know, to capture her little peanut self before she starts growing like a beautiful weed. :) Bebes change SO SO much in just the course of a few's insane.

And of course, Emmy was wide awake for the majority of her little shoot. I'm telling ya, so many photogs make this 'getting a baby to sleep for portraits' thing look like a piece of cake. In my experience, you cannot command a baby to go to sleep. Even a warm environment, shoots scheduled at normal 'sleepy times', white noise and full belly seem to do NADA for the babies that pass through my lenses. Not until the very end of our time together did she begin to drift off into dream land. Nevertheless, even a wide awake (therefore hard to pose) Emmy was cute as a button for her portraits. She did a lot of staring at me....I really think she enjoyed it! :D

Welcome to the world, beautiful.

Yup, that's Emmy smiling! Say it with me now..."awwwwwwww!"

Maybe a future in boxing? Maybe?