Friday, September 16, 2011

The Photographer Speaks {A Personal Opinion Post}

....So I'm an opinionated girl. While I dislike debates (with a passion....really...I bet I'd debate you on that) I do like to make my opinion known. Sometimes it does no good, but sometimes it does a great deal of good. Today's topic of opinion? Boudoir photography.

Just in case you don't know what it is, Wikipedia states it as such:

A great deal of "boudoir" is now created in the photographer's studio or in luxury hotel suites, where it has become very fashionable to create a set of sensual images for women in "boudoir style". This often takes the shape of partly clothed images or images in lingerie, and has become more than just a passing fad.

The point of this 'opinionated blog' is just to make you think. Every single day, when I log onto facebook (I'm friends with a great deal of photographers on there) I am greeted with boudoir images. Photographers are increasingly offering this service and are increasingly posting the results of their shoots (even just a couple images) on the internet. It's becoming a regular thing, and quite honestly, I'm becoming a bit desensitized to it myself as I see it so often.

I have been asked on several occasions if I offer boudoir services and I always kindly decline. As a pastor's wife and Christ follower I just do not see a reason for me to involve myself in this line of work. It's just not something I need to be doing, no matter if boudoir photography is now considered a totally normal part of the business.

I would rather not dip my feet into the soft porn industry....because that is what boudoir photography is....soft porn. Did you know that? I would rather do a classy shoot of a lady wearing a gorgeous outfit that suits her body and highlights every part of her, not just her sexuality. I would rather create artistic images of a woman (clothed) that her kids can look back on (because they will be found) and be proud of....and that her husband can look back on a remember her beauty with. You do not need to be sprawled out on a bed in a thong to capture your beauty and sexiness. Quite honestly, I think this is quite a tacky way to record your beauty.

Now I realize I sound like a total prude by saying all of this, but I just value modesty. I strongly believe that women are loosing the ability to realize their sexiness and confidence while fully clothed. I believe in dressing in a way that respects yourself, the men (and women) around you and honors God. And ladies, you do not need to get pictures taken of yourself scantily clad to keep the interest of your husband. I think you know this. :)

However, each person holds their own opinion. If you find it absolutely necessary to create boudoir images of yourself to give you your loved one, PLEASE keep it'll thank yourself later. And if you're a photographer who finds in necessary to enter this line of work, PLEASE do not even give online posting an option. So many people don't think about how the images could negatively effect them later on in life. Please keep in private....for everyone's eyes.

I've spoken to a couple photographers who have been uneasy with boudoir photography as well....reluctantly agreeing to inquiring clients. If you're not comfortable with it, photographers, don't do it. You don't have to follow the can do business without compromising your integrity/beliefs.

This all being said, I do believe in capturing artist beauty....capturing and celebrating confident, sexy beauty....fully clothed. :)
Yes and amen.