Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Canada, Eh? {Abram Lake, Ontario Photography}

I have to admit, I was a bit apprehensive about our trip to Canada. Mainly because our destination was over 1,000 miles from our home...traveled via truck...with a three-year-old. I had this notion stuck in my head that 4 total straight days of driving (there and back) would be as torturous as being strung up by your toenails or something horrible like that.

Yeah, I really needed to calm down and not stress.

Our trip turned out to be a fantastic vacation. I mean, come on....over 1,000 miles away from work, drama, social interaction (outside of family), email, media, social networking, noise, budgets, phone calls, house work and responsibility. Glad I signed up for that!

Seriously, though, we had SUCH a great time spent with our wonderful family. Priceless, precious time. I just love them all so much and it was so beyond great to have a week with them in the middle of nowhere. Yeah, it was really in the middle of no where. As in, we drive for 2 hours straight and not come across a gas station middle of nowhere.

We basically had two beaches all to ourselves, spent a ton of time on our boats, played games, played in the water, soaked up the sun rays, water-skied, tubed, fished, at great food and relaxed. it was so quiet up there. and i swear, the sky is bigger, bluer and clearer there.

...which came in handy for star gazing. Brilliant stars, so crystal clear...more than you'd ever imagine actually hang up there in the sky. White galaxy clusters totally undiluted from any possible light pollution.

The last evening we were there we all spent the late evening on the water fishing. We wanted to see the stars one last time from the middle of the calm as glass lake....AND we hoped to see the northern lights. As the sun set the sky started to fill with haze from the wildfires burning miles away. Our starry sky was half covered by smoke...and disappointed we were. Not thinking we'd see Northern lights we decided to start prepping to head back to shore.

...Then all of the sudden four dancing light green fingers of light appeared in the sky to the left of our boat...which TOTALLY went crazy wild and exploded into a light show directly above our boat. Words cannot describe exactly how it looked, it was that amazing. Right above our heads all different colors of light meshed, swirled and danced and then exploded, hovering right around our boat...almost covering us like it was a bowl above us. The light almost seemed to reach down and touch us...it was that brilliant and close. There's no doubt in my mind that was God's gift to us that night...our little boat, all alone in the quiet wilderness. SO cool. Possibly the best thing my eyes have ever witnessed.

God is simply amazing. The beauty and wonder of nature on this planet He has given us astounds me. Not only was this a great time with family, away from all distractions, it was also a time where God showed me His beauty through all the nature that surrounded me. Priceless!

Psalm 139 :17-18 "How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand."