Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Street Whistlers and Sloppy Blog Posts {Columbiaville, MI Photography}

Yep, Hannah got stares and whistles as we went about shooting in Columbiaville, MI creating her senior portraits. And for good reason...just look at her! I just love this girl like she's my own kid...I'm so proud of her and who she is. Completely gorgeous inside and out and totally unapologetically unique....her own self. ...Not to mention she excels at everything she puts her effort into... You should totally meet her!

....and my blog posts through the next 2 weeks might be a bit, well...not as put together. I'm currently SWAMPED with work and making my blog appear pretty is not on the list of important things to do at the moment (confession: it takes A LOT of time to put together a beautifully laid blog post)! Sorry?? :) In my mind, I'd rather put together a rather sloppy blog post than to not post at all. Enjoy anyhow, and as always, thanks for stopping by!