Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The W Family {Detroit, MI Photography}

The W family has been with me since the beginning of my photographic journey. They were among the first families I photographed as my business was just getting off the ground and have stuck with me since!

We've been planning updated family portraits as well as Brayden's two year portraits for some time now, and I was pleased when I discovered they wanted the setting for these to be in downtown Detroit. I only live just over an hour from the heart of Detroit, yet I've only been there a couple of times (shame on me!). I LOVE LOVE LOVE cities. I just feel at home in bustling cities. Detroit was lovely, contrary to popular belief both here in the Flint area and across the nation.

"Don't go to Detroit!!!" we were told when we moved here. "My neighbor kid got shot there on a field trip!" said one person to us. People blindly assume that if you go to Detroit, you WILL get shot. Granted, as in any city, you must be smart when you visit. However, I urge you to visit Detroit. It has WONDERFUL culture, great architecture, awesome people and beautiful views. GO THERE.

Anyway, I had a wonderful time with Jennifer, JD and Brayden as we strolled the streets of Detroit's business district. This family is incredible, and I am so blessed to know them! Brayden is SO SO SO cute and smart. He's like a little parrot right now...he will repeat anything and everything you say with amazing annunciation! I also love how he smiles....says "cheeeessseeeee", crinkles up his nose and squints his eyes. CUTE. He's growing up so fast....sigh....

Once again, thanks for stopping by and keeping up with my work! Enjoy this set of images!

See that shot in the middle? Yeah, that is TOTALLY my favorite!