Sunday, December 9, 2012

Changes {A Personal Post}

As I sit down to write this blog, I honestly don't know where to start. My heart is in two different places at once. I'm both incredibly, the sentimental weepy and overwhelmingly just...down sort of sad, and very excited about a new year filled with new adventures.

Yes, it is indeed true. We are moving. And I cannot believe I even just typed those words.

It hit us square between the eyes, a total shock to us. Like, it didn't even creep up on us. It just...happened. Now looking back at it, I see how God was preparing us for this upcoming change. We didn't see it then, but I surely see it now. He has been preparing us for quite a while, and while this is a shock to us that God has called us to a different place, it assuredly is not a surprise to Him.

We've been here in MI for 8 1/2 years. All of our married life has been spent here. We bought a house here, raised a dog here, had our baby girl here, built a MINISTRY here, built my business here....developed a family away from family here and fell in love with here. This is indeed home to us. It's all we've ever known as a married couple in ministry.

And especially & specifically, the last 1 1/2 years have been nothing but outstanding. I feel as if we've learned the most, grown the most & experienced the most favor in these last 1 1/2 years. I have AMAZING friends, our youth group & church are flourishing, my business is thriving & we have an amazing family...our church call our own.

And now we're leaving.

I'll miss Flint. I love this city, I really do. If you look for it, you'll find it has a rich culture. I love it here. I'll miss our it's so perfect for us. The way the sunshine fills the rooms in the morning and evening. I'll miss all the little surrounding towns & special spots we visit so often. I'll miss Hungry Howies, Lucky's & Tim Horton's. I'll miss all the clients I've come to know so well.

But most of all, I'll miss our church. Our church that has become the most amazing place to be. When you're there, you don't want to leave. Our pastor is amazing, and I do know that whoever fills our spot will be abundantly blessed. I'll miss my friends there, and singing with Alonda and Todd. And really, I'll miss our teenagers the MOST. They're outstanding. We've recently had the best times in ministry that we've ever had with this amazing group of kids. We love them, and it hurts to leave them. But God has called us to something new, and we have simply answered.

And that is the one thing we know one thing for certain, God has called us to a new location. I fought it initially because I really didn't WANT to move, even though we always longed to live close to our families again. But honestly, we weren't looking to move on. We're so very happy with where we're at. But now I know more than ever that God has a new adventure for us. And really, I'm excited.

We're moving to Green Bay, WI (specifically, DePere) to work with a church called Destiny Church. They're a church that has been striving for growth, excellence & most importantly reaching those who need to hear about Jesus in the Green Bay area. They're quite an awesome church...and recently, they're renovated a bar into a church. How cool is that?!? There's so much I can say about the place we will now call our home church, but I will simply say this...I am very excited to come along side of this church, arm in arm with my husband and daughter, and adopt their vision as our own. We will be their new youth pastors and I know there will be new people to love, new places to love, new things to love and new adventures to be had.

There's much that's uncertain, but I guess that's the exciting part. Since God has orchestrated this all so far, I know He won't let us down now. All we have to do is follow His lead and it will all work out.

SO, all this being said, if you're a client and are wondering what will happen with your 2013/2014 session, please read the following (and please know I will contact everyone personally to discuss as well):

If you are a wedding client currently on my calendar.... no need to fret! I will be coming back to MI SEVERAL times within the next year and a half for each of your weddings. I will not be charging you any travel fees. Everything stays the same for you, except for my address for contact. I will be calling each of you to give you my new address!

If you are a regular session currently on my calendar.... as I said above, I am coming to MI very often next year. I will be contacting each of you to see if 1) we can reschedule your date around the times I'm in town (some of you already have spots that we don't even have to move) or 2) if a reschedule doesn't work, we will cancel and deposits can be refunded. But hopefully, rescheduling will be no problem!! No travel fee will be charged, since I will be coming in town already.

If you are a NEW client now on my calendar.... I am sorry to say I will not be accepting any new regular session clients from Michigan. I WILL be accepting new MI WEDDING clients, but a travel fee will apply. WI clients rejoice because I will be accepting you with joy onto my calendar.

...I have always told our teenagers, stepping out of what's comfortable always brings about growth and good things. I guess it's my time to practice what I preach. It will be terribly hard to leave. I am NOT looking forward to leaving, and saying goodbye is already breaking my heart into a million pieces. But I AM looking forward to seeing what's ahead for us.

I guess when we are at our most comfortable, God finds ways to stretch us out of that comfort. So, onward we stretch & grow & learn! Onward to new experiences & adventures! New adventures for us, our new church AND the church we are being asked by God to say goodbye to.

So, please excuse me as we will be fairly quiet for a while here. We have a heartbreaking goodbye to endure, a house to pack up and move within a month (not to mention a house to SELL as well), a business to move, Christmas to be celebrated and a new exciting adventure to start! I will do all of this with a smile on my face and a peace in my heart knowing that this is God ordained and all a part of His plan for our lives. And that's the best place to be...right where God wants you. :)