Tuesday, November 13, 2012

A Note to the Self-Concious...So, a Note to All of Us {A Personal Post}

One of the biggest problems I'm encountering lately is self conscious clients.

I mean, I can relate. I see a photograph of myself and I pick it to pieces. Sometimes I even 'fix' the issues I see via photo-shop (oooh those pesky baggy eyes!). I think everyone does this when they see themselves staring back at them from a portrait. Their eyes automatically go to what they see as a flaw, and immediately they start tearing themselves down as a result.

"I don't like my smile...my teeth are crooked." "Ugh, I look so fat." "My arms look to masculine." "I think I'm just too skinny." "My nose is crooked...I don't like that angle. "My legs look gross." "Oh my gosh, I look chunky...my thighs!!!" "I have to cover my ears with my hair. They just stick out too much." "I just don't like me in these pictures." blablablablablablaaaaaaaaaaa.

I'm sorry if this sounds like a rant, but...well, it is. We ALL see flaws in us that in actuality, no body else sees or dwells upon. But for some reason, these flaws we see hold us captive, eat at our confidence & cause us to be so stinking hard on ourselves. We even go to great lengths to hide the things we don't like about ourselves. And I have come to realize that every single person deals with this. The most captivating people that have passed through my cameras' gaze have expressed insecurities about themselves with me.

When I photograph people, I see their beauty...or handsomeness. I see individuality. I see God's amazing creation and artwork. I DON'T see your flaws, and when I hear you speak of your flaws I just shake my head.

What if we changed our mindsets to that of self-acceptance? What if we forgot about those things we don't like about ourselves. What if we were actually HAPPY with what we looked like? Well, I do think we'd all be more confident. We'd feel more freedom within ourselves. It sounds lovely, doesn't it??

So why don't we do it. Let's stop complaining about ourselves and instead embrace who we are and what we look like. I'm not suggesting that we 'let ourselves go' and not care about taking care of our health. Instead, I'm suggesting we forget about those vices...and those voices in our heads telling us we're not good enough and not pretty enough.

Are you in? Cause I am.