Thursday, May 31, 2012

'Bloom Where You're Planted' {A Personal Post}

Statistically speaking, the average length a youth pastor stays on staff at any given church is 18 months to 3.9 years.

This weekend, Kirk and I celebrate 8 years at Vision Pointe Assembly of God.

So what's it like to stay in one place for 8 years as a youth pastor? When we had been here 5 years one pastor told us that would be considered a 'lifetime' considering how often youth pastors move around. In fact, when we first moved here we committed to 5 years, and then were released from that commitment after 2 years of ministry when our lead pastor was called to a different church. When we first moved here I didn't think we'd be here this long, honesty. 5 years seemed like a long ways away...and here we are after 8 years.

So back to the question, what's it like? This past year has taught me more than the 7 prior to it. I have been able to see that the longevity in our service here has led to the lessons I've learned & my ever growing understanding of what ministry really is. The rewards we've experienced would not have come to us had we 'moved on.'

We've been through a switch in senior pastors (aka bosses), many building renovations, church name change & church debt paid off. We've seen a group of people grow together over the years & we've seen our church grow in community service as well as internal numbers. We've seen people come, we've seen people go, we've seen people come back after leaving. We've witnessed people first grab hold of the understanding of God's grace & love...receive salvation. We've seen people grow in that abundantly, and we've seen people fade from that. We've seen first hand God's power in people, seen miracles and simply amazing things. We have witnessed many seasons in people's lives, discipling them along the way. We've rejoiced with people, mourned with people. We've made friends, we've lost friends...and then we've made some more friends on top of it. We grew a family away from our blood family, slowly but surely.

Ministry is not having money. It's not having a huge house & abundantly nice worldly possessions. It's not butterflies, sticker parties & happiness all of the time. It's not about growing our own name, having fame or being known. It's not perfect. It's tough. Really tough.

Ministry means missing our families on a daily basis. It means we're missionaries to kids here in MI, far away from the people we grew up loving. It means constantly learning humbling lessons. It means being frustrated at times, just as much as it means being fulfilled at other times. It means sticking around when the going gets tough. It means caring for people more than they care for us. It means we sacrifice what we might want to tell people about Jesus. Because He is all that matters, and where He wants us is all that matters.

Ministry for us is discipleship...sticking by people through the seasons in their lives and loving on them. It means we're on call 24/7. It means we're servants to our community, advocates for those who are in need. It means we MUST live our lives, 100% in integrity. It means we're constantly watched & sometimes criticized. But it also means that we have an incredible support system at the same time.

I know people have expected us to 'move on' by now. In fact, I expected that we would not have been here as long as we have. But God has had us here not only to help others, but to teach us valuable lessons in our own personal lives & to grow our relationships with Him in ways we didn't see coming. I don't know how long we will be here at our church home of Vision Pointe, but I do know we're blooming where we've been planted. I heard that phrase years back...'bloom where you're planted', but this year it has sunk deep inside of me.

This past year I have been re-focused & rejuvenated. This past year I have felt more at home here than any of the previous years. I've truly embraced blooming where God has planted us. And that is the best feeling ever. To be used, and to flourish, where God has clearly called us, living moment by moment. Yeah, it's tough, but seriously thrilling. Following God is quite thrilling...never a dull moment. :)

But ultimately, ministry is knowing God and making Him known. Above all, that's what it is. There's nothing better than that, despite the sacrifices. It's all so so very worth it. Living life in service to the God who has done so much for us is beyond better than what I could have planned for on my own. I know our lessons aren't over yet, and neither is our ministry. In fact, I do believe it's still just beginning.

....And now, a grainy old Polaroid from our first day at our church. We look so young!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Natalie {Flint, MI Photography}

Everything about Natalie is simply stunning. Her outward beauty is obvious, but anyone who knows her will tell you about the amazing person that lies beneath that stop-you-in-your-tracks smile of hers. Natalie is one of the kindest people you will ever meet. She's an amazing mother as well....a mama to two kiddos who share that brilliant beauty she possesses. I don't think many more words are required here...these portraits speak for themselves the volume of her radiance!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Bella & Gabby {Flint, MI Photography}

Okay, I know these cuties pie cousins are 7 and 10 months old, but still, I'm completely jealous of them. I have a feeling they'll grow up as close as sisters...twins even. So close in age & living so close to each's cool to think about how they'll grow up having each other.

I've been so blessed to photograph these little ladies before. It's neat to see kids grow up in front of your cameras. It really is. One of the amazing parts about being a photographer...returning customers. Completely wonderful to be able to document the different stages of people's lives. An honor, really!

And come on, they don't come cuter than this. Seriously.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Things my Husband Has Taught Me {A Personal Post}

8 years with my mister. It's flown by, yet at the same time, our first days together seem like an eternity ago. I, I know that when we first got hitched we were both completely young & naive. Days out of college graduation, in our early 20's, we were thrown into marriage, moved far away from our families and entered full time ministry. We had NO CLUE what it was to be married, nor did we have any clue what was ahead of us.

So often people put so much time and effort into their wedding DAY that they forget to step back and ponder their wedded life they are about to enter into. I remember talking to a friend a few years ago who explained to me that she had put so much effort and thought into, 'one day I'll get married...and my wedding will be perfect...and then I will have reached my life's epitome...' that she didn't even think to stretch her mind around life AFTER the wedding. She said, 'It was like we got married, and then I was like...okay, now what?'

I think it was much the same for me. I married my best friend and love of my life, but then I had to learn how to live life united with someone else. I was an independent girl....completely clueless of so many things.

Little did I know we would laugh together....SO hard...that my husband would teach me to just sit and belly laugh through life's roughest days. He turned my freak out moments into laugh-so-hard-you-cry moments. He's mellowed me just through his ways.

I didn't realize I was such a worrier. His relaxed, trusting mannor is a stark contrast to mine. I've learned so much from that. I've seen him trust in God through everything, and that has been such an example to me. He's taught me how to change my worry to trust without speaking a word.

He's blunt, honest and sarcastic. This has gone largely misunderstood by many people who don't completely know him. I've come to appreciate it, and can pretty much tell exactly what funny sarcastic phrase will leave his mouth at any given moment. He's hilarious.

I didn't know we'd experience so many losses together. His sister, his grandmother, my grandfather and four of our own children. Walking through mutual grief with someone is something I never pondered prior to marriage. We've walked through much fire together, experienced testing of faith together.....grown through loss together. I just never realized....

And when we first were married, neither of us wanted children. Together, our hearts changed. And together, we've had a daughter and have learned/are learned how to raise a mini-us. Quite an experience.

He's taught me how to dream big. This man has big dreams...big ambitions. When he comes up with an idea, it's not's gigantic. I have seen that naturally, my dreams are small. He's challenged my 'realistic' thinking with his 'everything is possible with God' thinking. A lesson I am honored to learn.

But what I've learned the most about marriage these past 8 years, is that it hasn't turned out exactly like I had planned. No, but it's's not perfect, but it's real. Marriage is a commitment...a decision that triumphs over feelings. I've learned just what a beautiful thing it is to have someone by your side through all of life's ups and downs. I've learned how to love deeper, worry less, laugh harder and roll with the punches. My husband has taught me so many things, and I love him so very much. I love growing old with him ALREADY. Happy 8 years Kirk. Here's to many more!

May 22nd, 2004

April, 2012

Thursday, May 10, 2012

The M Family {Flint, MI Photography}

I do believe the M family holds the new place in my heart as 'favorite family I've ever photographed'. Seriously, they were so fun, full of ideas, and their kids were BEYOND fantastic for their portraits. Yes, that is a rarity! ;)

We're so blessed to know this family on a personal level as well. They're some of the best kind of people out there, let me tell you. And I may or may not be sharing waaaay too many of their finished portraits. I assure you, there's even more portrait goodness from where these came from....seriously so many gorgeous outcomes from these guys! Enjoy!