Saturday, March 19, 2011

Rhandi-Jayne {artistic portraits}

Sometimes just a glance at a person and a million ideas swarm my head. I realize you may be creeped out a bit knowing this bit of knowledge about me, but I notice people. I notice their unique features, the way they speak, how different light emphasizes their face. And more often than not, I wish I could have them in front of my camera for even a few minutes.

Rhandi has been a friend of mine for quite some time now, as well as 'one of those', out of many, people I know that I've been dying to photograph. She is one of those people who, upon meeting, your curious to know more about. She is so incredibly loving, so uplifting, so outgoing and enthusiastic. I can honestly say that I do not laugh as hard with anyone else (husband aside) as I do when I spend my time with Rhandi. That's just how she is....mundane moments are instantly snapped into crazy belly laughs when she's around....and I just adore that about her. She's an amazing, loyal friend, and I'm so glad to have bumped paths with her in life.

Can you believe she has three kids, one about to enter her senior year of high school? As we strolled around Flint for Rhandi's portraits, we were asked if she was getting her senior portraits done (insert crazy laughing moment here). She looks AMAZING for her age (ooops...sorry, Rhandi....that makes it sound as if you're ancient....and we both know you're not!). Rhandi's kids are each absolutely irreplaceably amazing as well. Perhaps the whole family will be in front of my camera later this year? Be watching.....

I love how her portraits, as seen below, can be interpreted to mean different things. I loved composing the shots to achieve just that - a portrait to be interpreted. Artistic expression portraits are BY FAR my favorite photographs to compose. Such a release for me. Enjoy...and interpret!